Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spellcheck ... knot ass grate has sum thing

Ass a tea chair, eye half all ways maid mi stew dents no hoe two spiel--eve in in a for in lank wedge . Off ten, them wood tail me eye wuss may king to mush off an oar deal a bout hit--half tar awl, spiel chuck wuss a bowl two tail theme if they're wuss a miss take, write?!

May bee ewe cane fig you're oat that eye donut a green wish thatch eye deed a. Its him pore tent two no how too spiel ... mother ways, ewe wood hand up seaming knot vary in tell I gent.

Dose in correct graham her hand spieling brother ewe two?

Eye thing that hiss awl eye cane due four now. Righting like these max me tried.

(all sew, ever e were din these blog ass bin chucked by spiel chuck ... there awl write)


1 comment:

JenC said...

Wow, I won't even try to respond in kind. I'm surprised I was able to read it so easily, but I would hate if people wrote like that normally!