Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ode to Minecraft

For this post, I am simply going to share a poem that my 13 year old son wrote.  He was given an assignment in his 8th grade Language Arts class--write an ode that is at least eight lines long.  Here's what he came up with:

Ode to Minecraft©

In the starting menu, click single player survive,
and all you have to do is thrive.
When you start the game, everything's blocks,
even you, from your hair to your socks.
And what is it that you do all this time?
All you do is mine and mine and mine.
You have to find diamonds to make a diamond pick axe,
then mine away at some obsidian and all you'll hear is "tick, tack."
You use the obsidian to make a nether portal,
and in this new dimension your wounds will become mortal.
Inside the nether you'll hope you have a sword
because if you attack a zombie pig, you'll be chased by an entire horde.
If you listen carefully, you'll hear a painful scream,
and if you look up in the sky, you'll find your worst dream.
You will see a ghast, if you look up in the sky,
and if you have a wooden house, you'll begin to cry.
When you go back through your portal, you will be relieved
to see every single one of your luscious trees.
But in the night, while building a house, you start to hear a hissing.
That noise is coming from something that you weren't missing.
It is a green creeper that is about to explode
and before it does you shout "No! No! NO!!"
When he blows up, your house is gone,
and then you say, "That's it! I am done!"

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