Friday, April 30, 2010

Loooooong time, no write!

So, it's been more than 2 years since my last entry. Hmmm, what's that expression about life and how it "happens?" Things have been very interesting in the last 750-ish days.

I ended up landing a half-time position at the high school teaching Spanish and Consumer Awareness for the '08-'09 school year, which coincided with the PTA position. To say that life was hairy and busy and crazy would almost capture it. They were both great experiences, but drained me completely. So, near the end of the school year, I decided (after much internal struggle) to step down from the President position for the following year. And about a month after that was official, I got my pink slip. I was a budget cut. Sigh. But, the sadness that would normally ensue slipped right by me. I was actually very happy. After a year of feeling like my family was always pushed to the end of my list of priorities, I felt I was being given the opportunity to put them right back at the top of that list where they belong. An honest to goodness blessing in disguise!

As the following school year was about to begin, another nice opportunity presented itself--the option to work as a long-term substitute for the 1st trimester teaching Interior Decorating and a Relationships class. Sounded like the courses were right up my alley, the teacher I would be filling in for is extremely organized and would be leaving all her materials for me and I would be done at Thanksgiving. Hmmmm??!! I honestly couldn't find a downside to the scenario, so I accepted the position. It was even more enjoyable than I expected--great students, fun and interesting material to teach, a wonderful department of supportive colleagues in a building where I was very comfortable! Yay!

Then all the hullabaloo of Christmas took flight ... then New Year's fun ... Valentiney lovey stuff ... kissing for St. Patty's Day ... Easter egg hunting ... a fun trip to Niagara Falls with the kids for Spring Break ... a party for a certain handsome someone who turned 40 last week ... and we're all up to speed! Whew! Actually, there was a lot more in the last few months than that, but we'll save those details for another day ... and I think that I won't wait another 750 days to write again.


JenC said...

Welcome back! Love and miss you!

bjk said...

....and don't forget about the Drama class you taught. Who's the most qualified to teach that???