Thursday, March 20, 2008

I get by with a little help from my friends ...

Anyone who knows me at all is well aware that I am a social creature. So, it shouldn't have taken me so long to realize that I operate best (and achieve the best results) when I am in the company of others. Therefore, I have joined Weight Watchers and got a membership at a women's only gym here in town and have been doing well attending classes and working out there this last week or so. My first weigh-in was a good one--losing 5.2 pounds. Already, I'm feeling more motivated and wanting to stick with this, knowing that I get to do it all in a social setting.

I am fully aware of my body's (in)ability to drop weight very quickly ... so, I believe that the first week will not be a regular kind of thing. I'm more a 1-2 pound per week kind of loser. Having said that, I'll take the first week's loss and just see what comes my way as I progress.

I feel dedicated to this whole process ... I want to shed my "cushiony layer" and feel fit and comfortable in my own skin again. I was doing really well when I belonged to the Y and was working out regularly and taking classes and I have decided that in order to achieve success with this, I need to get back to that.

So, here I go ....

1 comment:

JenC said...

Good luck buddy! Doing it with a little help from your friends is the best way! I'm sure you will be great and congrats on the first 5 pounds!