Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Austin's pathology report

We had the follow up appointment today to hear about the biopsy report on Austin's bump. Its technical / medical name is a "pyogenic granuloma." In layman's terms, it's a giant cell (microscopically speaking) growth that tends to occur in pregnant women because these seem to be fueled by hormones. Completely harmless and not likely to recur ... basically it was a fluke that he had this in the first place. The doctor said that an inflammation (caused by plaque or bacteria) could have spurred this. Unless he develops any infection or other complication post-surgery, this should all be behind him now.
So, the news is all good. :D
And, for your viewing pleasure, this is Austin's bump 3 days before the surgery (it was bigger than this the day before he had it removed):


JenC said...

I'm glad it is nothing serious, but yowza, looking at those pictures, it had to be a scary.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear everything is ok.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear he is okay. That bump really looked painful.