Wednesday, January 30, 2008

bye bye bump

Austin's surgery / procedure was yesterday and went very well. Austin was quite happy with the laughing gas, requesting it for any other procedures -- i.e. cavities filled, etc. -- he might have done because he "didn't feel a thing." They did end up using anesthesia which he didn't mind, since he was already day-dreamy with the nitrous oxide. As a matter of fact, they told him they were going to put an I.V. in his arm and a few seconds later he said "you can give me the shot now ... I'm ready" and it was already done. The entire procedure --from laughing gas on the nose to me going to see him in recovery -- was only about 30 minutes.

While coming out of the sedation, he was just so cute. Groggy and drowsy, sweet and smiley ... and saying funny little things with his speech drawn out in a very endearing way. When the nurse was prompting him to open his eyes, he had two responses that I couldn't not smile about. First he said, "it's just so hard to ... you made my eyes so heavy" and then "but I'm really sleepy ... reeeaaaallllllllyyyyy ssssssllllleeeeeeeeeeppppyyyy" as he was drifting out again.

We came home and I helped him lie down on the couch. I fed him a little yogurt and gave him a Tylenol with codeine and an ice pack for his cheek. He watched some TV and rested, never napping, just resting.

That lasted for about four hours. After that, he was charged up and rearing to go. I couldn't keep him sitting down. I was practically demanding that he play video games just to keep him still for a while!! We played a few games (the Scrambled States of America was fun!) and I fed him pudding and fudgesicles.

Around bedtime he slowed down again, commenting that his mouth was sore ... and that he was coughing a lot and his chest hurt (because it's not enough to just have this going on ... he's getting a cold too -- sigh). He said it didn't hurt enough for any more Tylenol, just going to bed would help, he thought. But (and you knew that was coming, right?) around 4 a.m. he came down to my bed telling me that his mouth was hurting. When I opened my tired eyes to look at him, it was obvious (even in the dark) that his cheek was really swollen. So, Tylenol with a dose of magic and an ice pack on his cheek while he snuggled in with me seemed to do the trick because he was fast asleep in no time.

I have him home again today so that we can keep up with the ice and Tylenol to help this along a bit more. So, all things considered, it's been a pretty good day and a half. I'm glad the bump is out and he's glad that he didn't feel anything during the procedure.

We go back for the report from the lab in about a week. We're very interested to see what the bump was ... I'll be sure to post when we go back.

1 comment:

JenC said...

I'm glad to hear it went well. Give him a get well hug for me.